AI-Resistant Side Hustles

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✔ Fact Checked and Written by Steven Hillman FCA Chartered Accountant

Steven is the Editor-in-Chief of He is a Chartered Accountant (FCA) and ICAEW Business and Financial Professional (BFP) and has spent years advising clients on different side hustles and taxation.

AI-Resistant Side Hustles: Business Ideas That Beat Automation

Imagine being an artisan in 1760, crafting intricate designs on a loom, only to have the Industrial Revolution snatch away your livelihood with its steam-powered assembly lines. Fast-forward to the modern digital era. The same drama is unfolding as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are transforming the job market.

We've all heard about AI replacing jobs - from customer service reps handling enquiries to graphic designers creating bespoke visuals. It's enough to send a shiver down anyone’s spine, isn't it? But here comes the twist: What if you could ride this wave of change instead of being swept under?

This article will explore AI-Resistant Side Hustles: Business Ideas That Beat Automation. In this journey, we'll uncover side hustles that not just survive but thrive amidst technological upheaval.

AI-Proof Side Hustles: Embracing the Future of Work

Image of a robot hand and human hand

The future of work is here, and it's wrapped up in AI. But don't fret. With a quarter of workers worried about AI taking over jobs, we need to look at how side hustles can be 'AI-proof'.

So what are these elusive AI-proof side hustles? They're opportunities that leverage human creativity and critical thinking, skills that current AI systems struggle to replicate fully.

You see, while artificial intelligence excels at repetitive tasks like assembly lines or handling customer inquiries with virtual assistants, it lacks the contextual understanding required for many job categories.

Graphic designers add more than just colours; they bring emotion into their designs - something an AI tool struggles with even if aided by generative AI software designed to create content or custom illustrations. 

Likewise, social media posts crafted by content creators carry a genuine personal touch which often resonates better with audiences compared to those generated by AI writing tools.

However, some areas of the job market will get hit hard by automation. The rapid progress of AI during 2023, has raised many questions regarding the potential impact AI might have on the job market.  A recent study conducted by Oxford University claimed almost 50% of jobs worldwide could potentially be automated within the next two decades.

important note

But let's not forget, AI isn't necessarily a disaster waiting to happen. We can roll with this shift and turn it into our gain. The trick lies in discovering those side hustles that need your one-of-a-kind touch - your human creativity.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Modern Industries

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AIs are becoming an integral part of software engineering, from helping to analyse sales calls faster, to automating repetitive tasks such as code review. This doesn't mean that jobs AI will replace all human workers. Rather, AIs can enhance productivity, freeing up engineers for more complex problem-solving tasks.

In content creation too, artificial intelligence has made its mark. Many bloggers and content creators use AI writing tools to streamline their processes, increasing efficiency while maintaining quality. However, despite the emergence of these powerful AI tools, there remains a critical need for the human touch - as mentioned already, creativity can’t be automated.

These transformations highlight how crucial it is to understand the potential impact on the job market due to technological change brought about by AI automation in different sectors like software engineering or content marketing. 

Dharmesh Shah, Co-founder at HubSpot gives some fascinating insights into this aspect on his LinkedIn profile.

  • Industries affected by AI aren't necessarily losing out; they're evolving.
  • Jobs worldwide are being transformed rather than replaced entirely by machines.
  • Social media posts crafted with assistance from generative AI have enhanced customer engagement levels significantly but still require high degrees of human input for contextual understanding.

Note: Despite AI's potential to replace jobs, it also has the power to create new ones. So instead of fearing AI, let's embrace it and adapt our skills for this new era.

Jobs at Risk from Automation

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First the bad news. Some jobs will be hit hardest by AI automation and are more vulnerable than others.

Telemarking, for instance, with repetitive tasks and low levels of critical thinking required, has a high chance of being replaced by AI systems.

The same goes for driving jobs. With the rise of self-driving vehicles and automated delivery systems, these roles face the potential impact of AI head-on.

Jobs Safe from Automation

Image of a counsellor and client

Now the good news. Not all jobs are at risk. Certain roles, particularly those requiring emotional intelligence and human attributes, stand strong against this tide.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in AI-Proof Jobs

Human resource managers, sales managers, counsellors and marketing managers are among the few professions where artificial intelligence struggles to compete with human workers.

A computer can't read between the lines or decipher hidden meanings behind a person's words during an interview like a HR manager can. Sales rely heavily on building relationships and trust which only humans excel at due to their natural empathy towards others.

No matter how advanced we make our machines, they still lack one critical aspect – the ability for contextual understanding coupled with communication creativity. Marketing strategies demand innovative ideas blended with a deep understanding of customer emotions - something uniquely human.

To put things into perspective using job market statistics, positions such as these mentioned aren’t going anywhere anytime soon because they need what makes us innately 'human'. These are careers safe from automation so if you're considering them as your next career move - go ahead.

List of AI-Resistant Side Hustles to Consider

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After delving deep into the evolving landscape of AI and its impact on the job market, you might be wondering, "So, what exactly are these AI-proof side hustles?" Well, let’s get to it:

Accounting, Financial and Business Advice

Providing tax planning, financial and business advice often requires an in-depth understanding of a client's unique situation, something that AI is not equipped to handle. Accountants and financial advisors who offer this level of service are not merely crunching numbers but are serving as trusted advisors.

Artisan Crafts

Handmade goods such as pottery, knitting, and woodworking have a unique value that mass-produced items cannot replicate. The human touch, the craftsmanship, and the story behind each item make them highly desirable.

Cleaning Services

While there are robots designed for cleaning, they lack the ability to tackle detailed tasks and unique cleaning needs of different environments. Human cleaning services can customise their approach to each space, ensuring a higher standard of cleanliness.

Construction & Trades

In the construction and trades sector—which includes fields like building, plumbing, plastering, carpentry, and electrical work—automation struggles to take hold. These professions aren't just about technical skills; they also require a deeply human touch in problem-solving and craftsmanship. For instance, the nuanced work of carpentry or the intricate problem-solving needed for electrical tasks is something that machines simply can't replicate yet. Additionally, each job site has unique challenges that often call for immediate, on-the-spot decisions. This makes jobs in this sector naturally resistant to being fully overtaken by artificial intelligence.

Content Creation

YouTube/TikTok/Instagram: While AI can assist in video and image editing, it can't replicate the individual creativity and personal brand that content creators bring to their platforms. Each creator's unique voice and perspective attract and engage viewers in ways that automated systems cannot.

Creative Arts and Craftsmanship

Painting or Sculpting: While AI can create art, the emotional value of a handcrafted piece is irreplaceable.

Creative Writing

Freelance Writing or Blogging: AI can generate text but lacks the ability to craft stories from real-world experience that touch hearts, making this a secure option for side hustle enthusiasts. In an era where information overload is real, people appreciate someone who can sift through the noise and present content that is both meaningful and personalised. AI can suggest articles based on algorithms, but it can't truly understand human preference in the way a skilled human curator can.

Educational Services

Tutoring or Online Courses: Tutoring and educational platforms may have AI teaching aids, but they can’t replace the ability of a human tutor to understand and adapt to a student's unique needs.

Event Planning

Wedding or Party Planning: Organising a memorable event involves human creativity and understanding of emotional nuances, something that AI can't yet achieve.


Whether it's designing a landscape, nurturing plants, or lawn mowing, the skill and care that go into gardening can't be replicated by automated systems. While you can get a robotic lawn mower, it often lacks the precision and adaptability that a human can provide. For instance, a human can easily navigate around obstacles, handle uneven terrain, and offer specialised care for different types of grass, conditions that automated systems find challenging to adapt to. Gardeners bring a keen eye and a personal touch to their work, making each project unique.

Health and Wellness

Personal Training or Yoga Instructor: While there are AI fitness apps, they can't yet replicate the motivational and adaptive nature of a real human coach.

Local Guiding Services

While AI can provide a list of local attractions, a human guide can offer an in-depth cultural experience, sharing local stories and hidden gems that a computer algorithm simply cannot.

Religious Guides/Counsellors

Spiritual guidance often requires an emotional and moral understanding that cannot be automated. Religious guides and counsellors are able to offer nuanced advice and support based on a deep understanding of their faith's teachings and a person's individual circumstances.

Specialised Consulting

Career or Life Coaching: Machines can analyse data, but they can't understand human psychology to provide life advice.

Specialty Cooking or Baking

While machines can perform many cooking tasks, they can't replace the creativity and cultural understanding that come from a passionate chef or baker. Plus, the social aspect of sharing food is inherently human.

Translation Services

Language Translation: AI can translate words, but cultural nuances often get lost in translation, requiring a human touch.

These are just a few examples of side hustles that are not just thriving but also have a high chance of remaining ‘AI-proof’ for the foreseeable future. Each of these requires a unique blend of skills, creativity, and emotional intelligence, offering you a significant advantage over automated systems.

Lifelong Learning and Skill Development

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As AI continues to reshape the job market, lifelong learning becomes a crucial factor for staying relevant. It's not just about acquiring fresh abilities; it is also about honing current ones and modifying them to the digital age.

Interestingly, AI itself can be leveraged in this endeavour. For instance, various AI-powered tools are now available that help people understand complex topics better or save time by automating repetitive tasks. 

The Role of Soft Skills in an AI-Driven World

In fact, as jobs worldwide become more automated, there’s still a growing need for soft skills.

Leverage Your Unique Human Qualities

This essentially means that despite automation threatening certain job categories, there will always remain scope for professions needing inherent human attributes and soft skills such as emotional intelligence. These can include: 

  • Tutoring in subjects you excel at or mentoring others on soft skills.
  • Offering personalised recommendations as a style consultant or interior decorator.
  • Serving as an empathetic customer service representative handling sensitive customer inquiries.

By making lifelong learning and honing our skills a priority, we can stay ahead of AI. Plus, it keeps our work week engaging.

key takeaway

Embrace lifelong learning and skill refinement to stay ahead in an AI-shaped job market. Soft skills, creativity, critical thinking - these are your superpowers that automation can't match. Excel at being human: tutor, mentor or serve customers with empathy. Keep growing, keep engaging.


Image of Text Frequently Asked Questions
  • What side hustles can I do with AI?

    You could try content creation, translation services, or voice dubbing. Leveraging AI tools in these areas can boost your productivity and income.

  • What is the safest job from AI?

    Jobs needing emotional intelligence like human resources management, sales management, and marketing are less likely to be automated. They need a personal touch that's tough for bots to mimic.

  • Is making money with AI real?

    Absolutely. Many people make a tidy sum by using artificial intelligence as an aid in their work. But remember: it’s about blending tech skills with uniquely human traits.

  • Which jobs are most at risk from AI?

    Routine roles like telemarketing or driving jobs might feel the pinch of automation more than others due to advances in artificial intelligence technology.

Final thoughts

Image of Words Final Thoughts

There's no denying that AI is shaking up the job market.

It's a fact we can't disregard, yet one which we are able to plan for.

You've discovered how AI-proof side hustles offer a lifeline in this digital era. They're about more than just surviving; they're your ticket to thriving amidst technological change.

The secret lies in skills only humans possess - emotional intelligence, creativity and critical thinking. From content creation to translation services, opportunities abound if you know where to look.

Lifelong learning is your ally here, enabling you not just adapt but excel as jobs evolve with technology.

Remember this: automation might be powerful, but it lacks the human touch which will always remain irreplaceable. Embrace "AI-Resistant Side Hustles: Business Ideas Safe from Automation" as your safety net against tech upheaval and let them propel you into an exciting future of work!


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✔ Fact Checked and Written by 

Steven Hillman FCA Chartered Accountant

Steven is the Editor-in-Chief of He is a Chartered Accountant (FCA) and ICAEW Business and Financial Professional (BFP) and has spent years advising clients on different side hustles and taxation.

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a poster with a british flag and a clock tower says top 10 uk side hustles 2024
by Steven Hillman 01 Jan, 2024
Exploring ways to earn extra money in the UK this 2024? Dive into our list of the Top 10 UK Side Hustles and uncover the most lucrative opportunities. At, we guide you through the best options to enhance your earnings through tried-and-tested side ventures. Start your financial growth today!
a man in a suit and tie is standing in front of a limousine and an airplane
by Steven Hillman 12 Apr, 2024
Discover the essential steps to becoming a chauffeur in the UK with our comprehensive 2024 guide. Learn about the required licences, how to enhance your earnings, and tips for starting your own chauffeur business. Whether you're seeking a lucrative side hustle or a full-time career, our insights provide valuable information on navigating the UK's private hire landscape successfully. Ideal for aspiring chauffeurs aiming for excellence in the luxury transport sector.
a man is looking at his phone with a piggy bank in the background
by Steven Hillman 05 Apr, 2024
Discover the truth about Prime Opinion in our comprehensive 2024 review. Uncover how this global survey site offers legitimate earning opportunities through diverse tasks, quick payouts via PayPal or Revolut, and how to maximise your earnings. Whether you're looking to cash out fast or understand the value of your points, this guide provides all the insights you need. Ideal for UK users seeking reliable side hustles.
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