How to Become a Mystery Shopper

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✔ Fact Checked and Written by Steven Hillman FCA Chartered Accountant

Steven is the Editor-in-Chief of He is a Chartered Accountant (FCA) and ICAEW Business and Financial Professional (BFP) and has spent years advising clients on different side hustles and taxation.

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earn money as a mystery shopper

Do you have a passion for retail and the prospect of earning extra money while shopping appeals to you? If so, becoming a mystery shopper in the UK could be your ideal side hustle. This rewarding opportunity allows you to get paid for shopping while also helping businesses enhance their customer service.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll unravel the mystery behind becoming a successful mystery shopper, discussing the skills needed, and how to find legitimate opportunities with the top players in this field, including Market Force, ESA Retail and Tern.

Read our step-by-step guide below on how to become a mystery shopper in the UK.

The Role of a Mystery Shopper

If you've ever dreamt of getting paid to shop, then becoming a mystery shopper might just be your ticket. In essence, mystery shopping involves posing as an ordinary customer while assessing various aspects of customer service and overall experience at retail stores or restaurants.

The Basics of Mystery Shopping

In this intriguing line of work, you get hired by shopping companies who need reliable people to assess their client's businesses from a consumer perspective. Tasks may include making purchases for specific items or asking staff questions about products.

Your role doesn't end there though; after each assignment, you'll need to submit a detailed report highlighting your observations. The insights gathered from these reports are crucial in helping businesses improve their operations and enhance their customers' experiences.

Types of Mystery Shopping Jobs

We'll delve into this in more detail below, but mystery shopping isn't confined solely to physical visits - it has expanded into different areas such as email mystery shopping and video mystery assignments which provide more flexibility for shoppers based on their schedules and preferences.

This profession is quite diverse with thousands registered across the UK alone. From sipping coffee at high street cafes to purchasing clothes online - if variety excites you then becoming a mystery shopper could be right up your alley.

How to Become a Mystery Shopper in the UK

Mystery shopping is an exciting side hustle that lets you earn extra money while doing what most of us enjoy - shopping. But, how do you start and succeed in this role? Let's break it down.

Identifying Legitimate Mystery Shopping Companies

To kick-start your journey as a mystery shopper, you can apply directly to mystery shopper companies' via thie websites.
  With so many companies to choose from, how do you decide which one is right for you? It's essential to find reliable companies. But with the number of mystery shopping providers, how do you know which ones are trustworthy?

To help you navigate this, we've rounded up the top mystery shopping companies in the UK below.

iShopFor Ipsos

iShopFor Ipsos, one of the leading mystery shopper companies globally, offers numerous opportunities tailored specifically to shoppers based in the UK. 

Market Force

Another company worth checking out is Market Force. Market Force is one of the leading players when it comes to employing mystery shoppers. Known for their variety of assignments and competitive pay rate, they provide opportunities across retail sectors including fashion, food and beverage.

The company prides itself on its user-friendly app-based system where tasks get uploaded regularly. This makes it easy for potential secret shoppers like yourself to grab any task at hand quickly.

ESA Retail

Moving onto ESA Retail, another popular name amongst seasoned mystery shoppers. The firm has made its mark by focusing heavily on customer experience reviews - a critical component businesses need feedback on today more than ever before.

A notable feature about ESA Retail is their comprehensive training program; ensuring all new recruits understand exactly what's expected from them during each assignment. So if you’re new to this world but eager to learn – ESA might just be your perfect fit.


Tern specialises in the hospitality sector, making it a great option for food lovers. The company is known for its mystery dining assignments where you get paid to dine at popular restaurants.

They provide useful comments to assist you in honing your shopping abilities, making it a beneficial arrangement for all. A win-win situation indeed.

Characteristics of Trustworthy Companies

A reputable company will never ask for upfront fees or promise massive earnings overnight. They'll give clear instructions about assignments and deadlines, making sure shoppers have all the details they need.

The most dependable companies belong to trade associations like the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA). This means they adhere to strict industry standards and best practices.

Here are some other recommended legitimate companies:

  • Mystery Dining by HGEM: This unique provider specialises in dining experiences.
  • redwigwam: A well-regarded firm that focuses on flexible working opportunities.
  • Serve Legal: is the market-leading provider of ID and compliance testing services in the UK

All these companies are reliable and provide good support to their shoppers.

Key Takeaway

Remember, always do your research before signing up with a mystery shopping company. A reputable company will never ask for upfront fees or promise massive earnings overnight.

Tips for Excelling in Assignments

The key to being successful at mystery shopping jobs lies within some simple strategies: practice memory skills and keep track of receipts.

You might be asked questions about specific items or customer service during your secret shopper assignment; hence remembering details is crucial. A good idea would be practicing memorising sequences or small bits of information daily – trust me; it'll pay off.

Budgetkeeping is another essential aspect of this job because some assignments involve making purchases with a tight budget given by the company – so make sure every penny counts. Save all receipts from each task - they're proof of expenses made which will help get reimbursements later on.

a little tip

Some mystery shoppers earn a full time income from this side hustle. To achieve this, work regularly and sign up for multiple companies.

Types of Mystery Shopping Jobs Available

There's more to mystery shopping than you might think. With a wide range of assignments available, this side hustle can take on many forms.

In-store assessment

One common type is the traditional in-store assessment, where you'll visit physical retail locations to evaluate customer service, product quality, and store cleanliness. These missions may require you to make a small purchase, which is often reimbursed along with your payment for the job.

Online Assessment

However, the scope of mystery shopping extends beyond the high street. With the rise of digital commerce, online mystery shopping has gained traction, focusing on website navigation, customer service via live chat, and the overall online purchasing experience. 


Additionally, specialised forms of mystery shopping exist in sectors like hospitality, where you may be asked to evaluate hotels or dining establishments. There are roles such as
mystery dining with HGEM, where you get to sample the best cuisine while providing valuable feedback.


Automotive assignments are where you could assess the customer service at car dealerships. Each type offers its unique challenges and rewards, allowing you to choose gigs that best align with your interests and expertise.


You can also make money by being a video mystery shopper or engaging in postal monitoring are just some of the interesting gigs available for adventurous souls who enjoy variety in their work.

For those interested in high street tasks, finding specific items becomes an essential skill. These jobs often involve walking into stores with precise instructions about what products to look for and then evaluating your experience as a customer.

Becoming skilled at these types of assignments could mean earning extra cash regularly - all while doing something that may seem like ordinary shopping.

Note: While each assignment offers its own unique opportunities and challenges, remember that they all share one common goal - improving customer service across various sectors within the UK market.

And don't forget, there's always room for more detailed report-writing skills. As secret shoppers aim to provide companies with actionable insights about their services, your ability to convey experiences clearly will be key.

In essence? You're playing an important role in shaping better consumer experiences across multiple industries – so let’s do it right.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping can be a great source of additional income, yet it is not without its traps. From dealing with unreliable people and companies to navigating the intricate details of assignments, there are certain mistakes you'll want to avoid.

Join a mystery shopping association

Firstly, ensure that you're working with reliable people and legitimate mystery shopper companies.

The Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA), for example, offers resources on how to identify reputable firms.

Finding specific items or remembering every detail about an interaction can be challenging when conducting retail store visits or dining experiences as part of your mystery shopper job. Practicing these skills ahead of time will help improve your performance during actual assignments.

Key Takeaway

To ace mystery shopping in the UK, avoid common traps. Work with trustworthy people and legitimate companies - MSPA is a great resource for this. When visiting retail stores or dining out, make sure your observations are spot-on; practice does help. Each task has unique requirements: whether it's crafting meticulous emails, engaging in subtle staff conversations, memorising store layouts for high street gigs or refining video skills.

Navigating Assignment Details

Different types of assignments involve various tasks which could be complex at times - this includes email mystery shopping where communication should be concise yet detailed enough for analysis by the company employing mystery shoppers like Ipsos Mystery Shopping.

In some cases, being a mystery shopper might also require talking discreetly with staff members while assessing customer service quality without raising suspicion – something that needs tactful execution.

  • If you've been assigned high street stores remember details about shop layouts and employee interactions precisely;
  • You may need sound good knowledge if video-based assignments are involved such as video mystery shopping;
  • The written report post-visit should capture all relevant points within the given time frame; So get organised before each assignment – planning is key.

Note: Always read the instructions thoroughly and ensure that all tasks are completed on time to avoid not being compensated for your work. Failing to do so could result in not getting paid for your work.

Tips for writing effective mystery shopping reports

Writing an effective mystery shopping report is crucial for both the client's insights and your credibility as a mystery shopper. Here are some tips for writing effective mystery shopping reports: 

  • Be detailed but concise, focusing on specific interactions and observations rather than vague impressions. 
  • Use clear and professional language, avoiding jargon or colloquialisms. 
  • Always adhere to the guidelines provided, whether that involves rating scales, multiple-choice questions, or written summaries. 

Remember, your report is a reflection of your attention to detail and reliability, so proofread carefully to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. The more accurate and insightful your report, the more valuable you become as a mystery shopper.

Earnings as a Mystery Shopper

Mystery shopping can be an exciting way to earn money. But how much can you make doing it?

Understanding Task Complexity and Pay

The pay scale in mystery shopping varies greatly based on the complexity of the task. For instance, simple tasks such as popping into a shop to ask a question may only earn around £3 per assignment.

However, more complex assignments that require detailed reports or purchases could see earnings rise up to £40 per job according to MoneySavingExpert. 

Remember though; these higher-paying jobs will often need more time commitment.

Sometimes, companies might not offer cash payment but provide reimbursements for any purchase made during your visit or gift cards instead. This is common with restaurant visits where your meal gets paid for by the company - so you get fed while earning.

Average Earnings from Popular Mystery Shopping Companies UK

Note on potential earnings below: Your earnings may differ depending on how many duties you can undertake. If time permits, juggling multiple jobs could boost your income.

Company Average Pay Per Assignment (£)
Market Force £10-£15 (plus expenses)
ESA Retail £5-£10 (plus expenses)
Mystery Dining Meal costs covered
Serve Legal £4-£6 (plus expenses)

Payment Process 

Being a mystery shopper isn't just about free meals or the thrill of covertly assessing customer service. It's also about getting paid for your efforts. How do you get recompensed for your efforts?

Understanding Your Earnings

The payment process in mystery shopping varies among companies, but most often you get reimbursed for any money spent during your assignment plus a fee for completing the job. Some companies pay through bank transfer while others use online platforms like PayPal.

A great example is Serve Legal, who are known to offer reimbursements on top of their fees to cover costs incurred during assignments. This can include purchases made in-store or travel expenses accrued getting there.

Negotiating Expenses

In some cases, you might need more than what's offered as standard reimbursement - perhaps because parking was pricier than expected, or public transport wasn't an option so you had to take a cab.

In such instances, don't shy away from asking if these extra costs can be covered too. Most companies understand that circumstances vary and will consider additional reimbursements when necessary.

Remember though: The rate of pay differs based on factors such as location and complexity of tasks assigned – it’s not always easy finding jobs especially if you live in smaller towns where opportunities may be limited.

But let's look at the brighter side; being part detective-part shopper does sound good right? Plus earning those extra pounds doesn’t hurt either.


  • How much do mystery shoppers get paid UK?

    Mystery shoppers in the UK typically make between £5 and £40 per job. However, earnings depend on assignment complexity and company rates.

  • Is being a mystery shopper worth it UK?

    Yes, if you enjoy varied tasks like dining out or shopping. It's a flexible way to earn extra cash while improving customer service standards.

  • Can anyone become a mystery shopper?

    Absolutely. As long as you're observant, reliable, able to provide detailed feedback and meet companies' age requirements, you can be a successful mystery shopper.

  • Do mystery shoppers make good money?

    The income isn't massive, but it's decent for an additional side hustle. Regular assignments from multiple firms can boost your monthly take-home pay significantly.

  • Is Mystery Shopping in the UK legit?

    Absolutely. However, always verify a company before signing up because scams exist too. Genuine companies never ask you to pay upfront fees.

Final thoughts

Image of Text Final Thoughts

Unravelling the mystery of becoming a Mystery Shopper UK isn't as daunting now, is it?

You've learned that this role involves more than just shopping. It's about contributing to quality customer service and earning some extra cash while you're at it.

You know how vital reliable companies are in your journey and what features make them trustworthy. Names like iShopFor Ipsos or Market Force should ring familiar bells now!

Earning potential varies but with regular work, good negotiation skills for expenses, and working with multiple companies can help you maximise your earnings.

Mystery shopping assignments aren't limited to high streets; they span across dining experiences, postal monitoring tasks and more. A wide range of roles await those ready to dive into this exciting world!

Avoiding common pitfalls makes all the difference too - remember details meticulously, keep track of receipts diligently.

It's clear – if being a sleuth on bustling high streets sounds appealing then knowing how to become a Mystery Shopper UK could be your next side hustle!


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✔ Fact Checked and Written by 

Steven Hillman FCA Chartered Accountant

Steven is the Editor-in-Chief of He is a Chartered Accountant (FCA) and ICAEW Business and Financial Professional (BFP) and has spent years advising clients on different side hustles and taxation.

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by Steven Hillman 01 Jan, 2024
Exploring ways to earn extra money in the UK this 2024? Dive into our list of the Top 10 UK Side Hustles and uncover the most lucrative opportunities. At, we guide you through the best options to enhance your earnings through tried-and-tested side ventures. Start your financial growth today!
a man in a suit and tie is standing in front of a limousine and an airplane
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Discover the essential steps to becoming a chauffeur in the UK with our comprehensive 2024 guide. Learn about the required licences, how to enhance your earnings, and tips for starting your own chauffeur business. Whether you're seeking a lucrative side hustle or a full-time career, our insights provide valuable information on navigating the UK's private hire landscape successfully. Ideal for aspiring chauffeurs aiming for excellence in the luxury transport sector.
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by Steven Hillman 05 Apr, 2024
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